Tuesday 18 June 2024

While Reform and the Tories argue about what they will become next year and who will get the lion's share of UK profits, the Lefties sitting outside the Labour Party only interested in foreign policy while 4,000,000 children go hungry every day across the UK!

The raging arguments while this general election draws to a head on 19th June when the millions of postal votes begin to land on electors' doorsteps are the arguments of power and greed, with only the Labour Party showing any interest in helping those in greatest need enjoy  the great pleasure of eating good food every day.

The Trussell Trust, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, huge businesses like ARLA  along with church groups and Councils with small modicum of surplus revenue left after 14 yrs of ravaged accounts are trying hard to help but it will take urgent policy decisions from Labour Government as the remnants of the elite groups rally the press to condemn help to those in need. Another five years of being ruled by the Tories will certainly revive serfdom and the only growth area the right wingers can even attempt to introduce.

Those right wing MP’from the two extremist parties Conservatives and Reform will eventually join together to form the neocons with rebel members probably sounding out the glow of becoming the Traditionalist Party as both current right wing groups are hell bent on bringing back the heyday of trampling on the poor and needy and blackening the future for anyone who falls through their ideal societies trapdoor.

The General election will hopefully rid the country of those who designed and delivered thousands of early graves of ordinary folk during covid yet let their unelected friends benefit by stuffing millions of pounds into their bank accounts from the public purse delivering goods that were useless and worthless. They have also used both their proven failure of austerity and inflation to drive many to commit suicide when those damaged through being let down by Government or their families were punished by the mismanagement of anything and everything the Government touched such as benefit and rent reform, raging mortgage costs or Council tax bills soaring through the roof as Councils react to being punished by the same cruel Government and their failure to control the economic crisis of their own making shows how little they care about UK society as whole.

Further attacks on the working class, the poor and needy have centred on the rundown of the NHS, the collapse of Social Care through slashing funds, the hollowing out of public services, running down of police and prison guard numbers, the lack of development of good quality Council Housing the damaging factors of wage restraint on civil and public services and teaching staffs including the treatment of ex soldiers who have been abused by Conservative contract cops in case foreign visitors saw how this nation treats them is abysmal beyond belief.

Putting food on everyone's table is must and not only 4m children are affected 17% of families in Scotland country proud of its passionate nationalistic and supposed socialist agenda do not eat every day that's disgraceful element of the 11.3m people across the UK who struggle to have enough money to feed themselves and their families.

The food giant ARLA recognise how damaging this policy from the Government to damage the poor is and has been for business and have produced report explaining how the future of society has been wrecked by people who were placed in power to support and help those who need that help the most and that will aid societies growth and protect high streets and business in general.

So on 19th June when your postal vote lands on your doorstep consider helping everyone in need and yourself by voting Labour as even if your not affected now there’every chance that you will be over the next five years. THINK ABOUT IT!







Saturday 1 June 2024

Ian Lavery Not only tops the FT polls for popularity He has a massive team behind him.


Blyth 31/05/2024

Ian Lavery, the former MP for Wansbeck constituency, has been chosen to become the first Labour Party candidate for the Blyth with Ashington opening his campaign with meeting held in Blyth, Northumberland’Largest Town.

The meeting was packed with people from across the new Constituency from Newbiggin by the Sea to Newsham and South Beach with almost 120 in attendance to hear his opening speech.

His knowledge of the attacks on working families and children particularly those from East Coast towns like Blyth and Ashington is unique as he waxed lyrical about the services once enjoyed by working people such as Sure Start to improve the health of young people and Labour's record on helping youth and young people gain from their communities and not have to be steered towards homelessness and suffer well below average incomes that have become the norm over the last 14 years of Tory rule.

The photograph shows few of those who will be canvassing across the constituency over the short run in to this election to try to galvanize people into voting in great numbers to show how they feel about the treatment they and their communities have suffered through the years of LibDem and Tory Austerity one coalition programs and how local services from their Council can’be delivered to the standard people had come to enjoy due to political choices made by the Tories and heir LibDem allies since 2010.

He summed up by expressing his view on the damage caused to families through the effects of poverty brought about through the Tories chosen political direction such as High Mortgage rates, Low Wages, wrecked Trade Union rights ruined Public Services and the NHS waiting list debacle as well as the savage attacks on society of Children attending school without having eaten and its effect on teaching staff and how no local Tories at all supported free school meals for children instead they have allowed foodbanks to grow out of all proportion driving up poverty, having no rules to control the actions of some despicable private landlords and the need to change society from within and support the British workforce. very stirring speech indeed with his last words of ensuring “everyone: 

Votes Labour in order to change things for the better”.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Labour MP to inherit 3 hole constituency left by Tories.


Former MP for Wansbeck who is now the Labour candidate for the brand new Blyth with Ashington constituency Ian Lavery, who is according to the most recent polling data about to win this new consistency with a handsome majority will inherit the nations only political patch famous for its three long term holes, left by the Conservatives than for any improvement being brought about through levelling up.

 The towns of Bedlington, Ashington and Blyth have had to endure the mess brought about by Conservative failures to be even interested in improving the three South East Northumberland towns.

They have left them drift for the last seven years as they squander £ millions on show off projects in areas they promote heavily like Morpeth and Ponteland leaving residents of the new constituency with sites akin to Aleppo in their Town centres.

 The bragging Tories have attempted to mix funding to improve the lot of rich industrialists designed to fill their pockets with public cash with the skimpy spend on Town centres being spread so thinly that local people now know that they are being and have been ignored since May 2017 .

With more being spent on funding lawyers and clearing out officers from the Conservative County Council and when coupled with the narrowing of A class roads to fit in cycle tracks than is being spent to improve the lot for residents.

The Tories seem to be blowing the trumpet of the spend on a new much needed school in Seaton Delaval using an estimated £60m of public funds which sits outside the new constituency of Blyth with Ashington and hailing this as a spending success in Blyth.


 The outgoing MP for Blyth who is replaced by his wife as the Tory’s candidate to run against Ian Lavery MP, Ian Levy MP,  is the man who bragged he was bringing 8000 jobs to Blyth.

 Up to press the outgoing MP for Blyth has actually driven down the number of jobs available in Blyth through his acceptance of the closure of the Keel Row shopping centre and the rundown of the remaining retail offer in the Town with Wilko and Argos deserting the high street zone during his time in office. When the catalogue of failures is coupled with the sale of the site which was being used as a catalyst for the expected 8000 jobs by his Tory mates from County Hall the improvements for local people will never arrive if the Tories get back into office.


Saturday 11 May 2024

Conservatives to stretch supply lines further than the 7th Cavalry at Little Big Horn


As footsoldiers and Conservative party branches begin to feel the strain through the loss of active members and their strategists on the ground feeling completely unable to spread any good news on the street, the Guardian reveals the pressure local conservative branches and the membership of conservative and constitutional clubs are under.

The Guardian report tell us that the Conservative Party has identified up to 200 constituencies as vulnerable and in need of extra support as a defensive strategy going into the general election - a change from the party's previous "80:20" strategy of prioritising defending the party's 80 most marginal seats and seeking to win the most vulnerable 20 target seats from other parties. 

A party source said that in addition to expanding the number of seats needing more resources to defend Conservative majorities, and potentially moving to a "100% defence" strategy, the party is also adding more target seats in Scotland to take advantage of the SNP's falling popularity.

With the fiasco of more and more MP’s and Councillors coming out to inform constituents they are not running again in future this defence plan is looking for a dentist to fit it some new teeth before even the ‘Leaflets of Lies’ are planned and cash found for delivery guys and gals to push them through the doors as volunteers have deserted the party faster than elected politicians from all levels.

In a number of areas particularly in the South we can see Reform volunteers doing more foot soldiering but with the natives waiting to pounce the analogy with the 7th Cavalry and stretched supply lines seems quite apt to describe the mess the Conservatives are in nationally.

Defensive strategy?: sack the strategists Sunak it will save you cash in the long run.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Why is Britain still using Gross Domestic Product to measure success?


 During 1976 under the Queen of the Conservatives Margaret Thatcher, the Government agreed to change the UK from manufacturing nation which required higher investment in its workforce into one designed to simply look after the residents of the UK by becoming a ‘Service Industry Nation’.

Immediately, the ‘white van man’ was born, filling all on street parking space every night and at weekends officially beginning the deindustrialisation of the UK through whole industry closures, offshoring, job selling and social housing stock giveaways to ensure those who heard her cry like the sirens who used their beautiful voices and songs to enchant sailors and control their fate ‘having the debt of mortgage over their heads will nail in the change Britain needs’.

Time has moved on and investors now need the cheapened over decades UK labour force to engage once again with manufacturing and the ‘New Tories’ who have failed to offer workers attractive packages to reopen industry are having to resort to attacking the poor and infirm to form those workforces, forget about farmer’needs to feed our nation on local produce and concentrate on money as Britain did in the 1820’or so economic history book inform us.

It’doomed to failure and the British public know it is as the stagflation of those who felt success from the white van world and have cash to leave their children do not want their families to enter the universe of drudgery as offered to workers in the US to become defining factor in the Britain of today.

 Those same conservative investors in office who are trying to ply the trade of the pre Thatcher 1960’have proved in the 2020’that the two tier society, extended over the last 13 years is no longer wanted and period of catching up through designed change for the better is now required and this week’local elections have begun to spell out what the sort of change people want and need is no longer supported by the Conservatives in office.

So to end where we began, why is Britain still using Gross Domestic Product to measure success?  Let’hope the next incumbents of both Government and Local Government can design an alternative which suits our society in modern UK better!

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Ashington Councillor pleads for all County towns to have a ‘destination purpose’ and for Tories to stop misleading the public!

Ashington county councillor Caroline Ball has come out on social media condemning the Conservative led Northumberland County Council for making promises and plans that they cannot either afford or intend to deliver.

The County Council has been preaching improvement plans for townships across Northumberland since 2017 and keeping communities outside of the magical Castle Morpeth protectorate of Morpeth with Ponteland either short of investment cash or economically crushed so that revival will be impossible for decades, simple wander around Bedlington and Blyth Town centres will open peoples eyes to the false dawns and disappointments being delivered in the name of regeneration and improvement. 

With Ashington residents front and centre in the Conservatives promises of high quality employment opportunities and then broke residents hearts with their failure to deliver on their key promise of creating 8000 jobs in Ashingtons neighbouring village of Cambois.

This well practised Conservative habit of blatantly lying to the public used regularly by recent Prime Ministers and their closest allies, and exposed by the press has dogged Northumberland ever since the Council's core strategy* was removed from inspection by Sajid Javid’ministry in 2017. 

Councillor Ball knows how this continued skullduggery from the Morpeth centric Conservatives is affecting her hometown of Ashington when she came out with the following:

Councillor Ball is completely correct and is right to expose Northumberland Conservatives for acting as mirror image of number of Top Tories they look up to including wonder boy Boris Johnson and good number of Conservative blue allies such as those covering up the Post Office fiasco.

Keep it up Councillor Ball and make sure the public knows what's going on.

*The Core Strategy is the most important part of the Local Plan. It identifies the key, strategic issues of most importance to the local area and translates these into strategy for tackling them. Examples include how to provide more affordable housing, reduce traffic congestion and tackle climate change, create jobs, increase social care and resolve the direction of travel for all towns through embracing equality and equitable service delivery to improve lifestyles.

Northumberland County Council ditched their core strategy in 2017 when the Tories took office. 

While Reform and the Tories argue about what they will become next year and who will get the lion's share of UK profits, the Lefties sitting outside the Labour Party only interested in foreign policy while 4,000,000 children go hungry every day across the UK!

The   raging   arguments   while   this   general   election   draws   to   a   head   on   19th   June   when   the   millions   of   posta...