Monday, 23 November 2020

No Cash Only Tory Spin on AB&T Line

Councillor Dungworth was right:

This week as we predicted Cllr, Wearmouth ran out another spin story on the reopening of the AB&T (Northumberland Line) announcing that the Government haven’t offered any cash to support one of his top boring spin items, a piece of spin he has run regularly since May 2017.

The public of Northumberland are beginning to notice that Councillor Wearmouth hasn’t delivered on any promise made by his Party prior to the 2017 local government elections and that he being the Chairman of Advance Northumberland is central to the investigations by a number of agencies including the Police into allegations of bullying, corruption, racism, his organisation Advance Northumberland being unable to follow an instruction from a top council officer that cost the Council £millions and dodgy land dealings.

Councillor Susan Dungworth the Leader of Northumberland Labour Group was right to point out that it was her Groups efforts that has brought the line closer to reality, the item below is from this weeks Northumberland weekly newspapers:

Labour group on Northumberland County Council, which was in power from 2013 to 2017, has claimed its efforts ‘got the rail project to where it is now’.

Group leader, Cllr Susan Dungworth, said: “Infrastructure projects like this take a long time to complete and most of the leg work on this project was done when Labour was in power in Northumberland.

“The Labour-run council invested money, time and expertise getting the project to the point of becoming a reality.”

Cllr Dungworth is completely correct as the Council under Labours control with the work being coordinated by Councillors Elizabeth Simpson and Scott Dickinson as Labours business chairpersons instigated the GRIP studies which are essential to the reopening of any rail line. That essential process once kickstarted could not be stopped by the Tories and the Wearmouth team has simply sat back,  and accepted any plaudits from their spin.

The reopening of this line is in the regional transport plans and is fully supported by the Labour Mayor of the Combined Authority North of Tyne, Jamie Driscoll.  Its on its final stretch and Mayor Driscoll will deliver on it even when Tory Councillors at County Hall in Morpeth are sitting behind bars following the outcome of the current high level investigations.

Friday, 20 November 2020

What is a Blyth Valley Conservative?

 The dictionary tells us that a ‘Conservative is a person who is averse to change and holds traditional values’.

First of all lets look at averse to change.: Ian Levy MP for Blyth Valley took the conservative whip and voted to let striving families in Blyth Valley who’s children are eligible for free school meals struggle to feed themselves and their children during school holiday periods.

The Cramlington Conservatives who did all the work for him to get elected in Blyth Valley, told him he was wrong and spent Parish funds feeding children in their Town. His averse to change attitude didn’t alter and after his mates at the County Council were accused of corruption he deserted the Cramlington Conservatives and landed on the losing side of Northumberland Conservatives that of the accused Cllr Jackson and his Castle Morpeth Mob.

The other two Conservative MP’s in the County were wise enough to stay away from Jackson and bite their lips, Ian Levy wasn’t and he upset his constituents into the bargain.

And he has also been silly enough not to apologise to all when his National Leader capitulated on the matter. Tut Tut silly billy!

Secondly he holds traditional values: They must include if you upset me ‘I’ll get my Mam to tell your Mam’ in infants school that’s usually a pre-cursor for being a bully boy in their teens and when reading a response from Ian Levy’s brother on the web recently he must have been a strange teenager indeed.

But its his continual ‘nasty party’ little man tricks that infuriate most people.

He had a little political spat with a constituent over his views on free school meals saga and in frustration the constituent called him names. 

Nothing at all to do with his spat, the constituents mother contacted her MP, Ian Levy on a matter and he told the mother about the sons comment: Its expected that the Data Commissioner has been contacted about this breach of confidentiality from a sitting MP.


We nutters have displayed some of the free to air information from facebook to illustrate the type of issues covered, names have been missed off to protect the innocent.

Morpeth County Hall Civil War


Thursday, 19 November 2020

‘Loobiggin’ by the Sea Tories vote YES! to ‘spend another penny’

This weeks meeting of Newbiggin by the Sea Town Council was as we expected, very damaging to the pockets of its residents as Alan Thompsons Tory Group voted to purchase the Cresswell Arms redundant public convenience to refurbish and reopen it in the near future.

Like Tories everywhere they haven’t noticed the damage that’s been done to family incomes by his Governments handling of the pandemic and the anomalies of the furlough scheme denying access to reasonable levels of safety net funding for both sole traders and the self employed and Newbiggin is home to many. That’s on top of the Town having the highest rate of child poverty in the vast county of Northumberland due to long term unemployment through the failure to regenerate the area by the Tories who have sat in power at Westminster for the last decade.

Yet here we have a decision taken by the few that will definitely damage the pockets of the many in Newbiggin for years to come. Next May’s Town Council elections can’t come soon enough for those affected by this decision.

Monday, 16 November 2020

Catching the Tide or is it the Conservatives?

 Were ever so grateful to local anglers from the pans who took this wonderful shot of a ship lying off our coast.

It appears to be carrying the new Conservative Ian Levy Marketplace on its overflowing decks but looking at the photo, just like County Hall in Morpeth the ‘Units’ as posh Tories are calling them may require a ‘lick of paint’.

The Conservatives plans for the coastal town of Blyth appear to be based on a questionable (by the Parliamentary cross party Public Accounts Committee) doling out of £25M grants to towns linked to new incumbent MP’s into Parliament during the 2019 General Election, Ian Levy being one of those!

The spend we suspect will be steered through the dodgy Advance Northumberland seems to be in two parts designed to lower the expectations of residents into what is forecast to arrive from Conservatism.

1) a scheme to allow short term car parking in Bowes Street in the Town which the local town council offered to pay for two years ago but were knocked back by the Tories.

2) the scheme that their supporters have been running out for over a year on social media, the dumping of old shipping containers on the Market Place to create the Conservative Car Boot Sale complete with speakers playing the barking of scrapyard dogs while you enjoy your perusal of the junk on offer.

This project is specially designed to bring Blyth in line with the two ‘Whole’ Towns adjoining them geographically, Bedlington and Ashington. As the Conservatives would hate those areas to think Blyth people have gained some sort of advantage over them for bothering to vote in a Tory MP.

The Tories have now been in charge of your Council for the last three and a half years and have achieved for Blyth Valley exactly what they have achieved for the County as a whole, an increase in poverty, along with a magnanimous offer of a £47m cut to ensure we suffer more job losses, decline and misery to the level of them being accused of corruption by top Council Officers.

Spending £100m of rural roads and £80m on a ‘Lick of Paint’ on Morpeth County Hall with three nowts for Ashington, Bedlington and Blyth as the funding they are crowing about isn't in the pockets of Advance Northumberland yet; Parliament whether they run it or not may stop it in its tracks.


Saturday, 14 November 2020

County Council to call time on ‘Stinking Hellhole’ in Newbiggin by the Sea

Its been well reported on social media that Northumberland County Council has written to Newbiggin by the Sea Town Council to inform them that their stall on the demolition of the well commented on ‘stinking hellhole’ bus terminus WC’s must stop now, demanding unless they wish to have the building gifted to them (probably along with the public health complaints and fines that will follow), demolition will be undertaken on this redundant and failing building within the next few weeks.

The Town Council has placed the matter on its agenda for next weeks meeting and their history shows that their ambition is to have more public conveniences in the Town than anywhere else in the UK. Their political leader LibDem Alan Thompson has tried on umpteen occasions to become the person who will defy the NHS and halt advice on bladder tone and the need for both sexes to work on their pelvic floor exercises by trying to place public loos all over this very small Town.

His ambition seems to be magnified by the Newbiggin by the Sea Development Trust who seem to have agreed with him, as under the control of failed politician Hilton Dawson are pressing for an agreement with the nasty party Tories at County Hall to have permission for new superloos with showers near the towns bowling green for campers and tourists they hope to attract to the Town before they bother to tell the neighbours of their devious plans. Its said that the Development Trust have the odd bod Councillor Richard Wearmouth the Chairman of dodgy Advance Northumberland hand in velvet glove with them on this project.

But we have to agree with a now aging facebook comment when the Town Council were refused permission to develop a loo right next door to a carry out restaurant in the Town, its time Thomson campaigned to change the Towns name yet again to Loobiggin by the Sea!

While Reform and the Tories argue about what they will become next year and who will get the lion's share of UK profits, the Lefties sitting outside the Labour Party only interested in foreign policy while 4,000,000 children go hungry every day across the UK!

The   raging   arguments   while   this   general   election   draws   to   a   head   on   19th   June   when   the   millions   of   posta...