Thursday 19 November 2020

‘Loobiggin’ by the Sea Tories vote YES! to ‘spend another penny’

This weeks meeting of Newbiggin by the Sea Town Council was as we expected, very damaging to the pockets of its residents as Alan Thompsons Tory Group voted to purchase the Cresswell Arms redundant public convenience to refurbish and reopen it in the near future.

Like Tories everywhere they haven’t noticed the damage that’s been done to family incomes by his Governments handling of the pandemic and the anomalies of the furlough scheme denying access to reasonable levels of safety net funding for both sole traders and the self employed and Newbiggin is home to many. That’s on top of the Town having the highest rate of child poverty in the vast county of Northumberland due to long term unemployment through the failure to regenerate the area by the Tories who have sat in power at Westminster for the last decade.

Yet here we have a decision taken by the few that will definitely damage the pockets of the many in Newbiggin for years to come. Next May’s Town Council elections can’t come soon enough for those affected by this decision.

1 comment:

  1. Disgusted at them Alan Thompson and his two side kicks the nodding heads They want to think a thousand shames not a thought at all for people of newbiggin they want to retire now as i am sure they will not be on the town council after the next elections And as for NCC they are idiots to it was like dangling a carrot for a donkey and the ass took it


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