Wednesday 13 January 2021

Councillor Deirdre Campbell asked the question we all need an answer to and was Pooh Poohed by the Tory Council.

Wednesday 6th January 2021, the nation is in the grip of the worst pandemic in UK History, we are all in lockdown and a public meeting of the prime Council for the huge County of Northumberland was held remotely by ZOOM and televised on YouTube.

The meeting included the usual round of committee minutes for ratification and one of the most boring lectures on record regarding how the pandemic has affected the County. The matter rambled on, delivering every detail of how people have been affected without a single condensed element that could be picked out by newshounds like ourselves to inform a news hungry public in need of some cheer.

The lecture wandered into question time and it was noticeable how the Tories on the council were able to wax lyrical and farmers of which there are many, spoke with the authority of medics on the subject of inoculations defending their Governments system of spin spin spin, asking questions to which there were no answers.

But from the crowd and throng of well privately briefed agriculturalists stepped Councillor Deirdre Campbell of Newsham who asked the simple question on every residents lips “once we have had our inoculation how do we prove we have had it?” “My husband and I like to travel and we will probably be asked at customs to prove we have had it”.

There was stunned silence and the Tories who had just been cut off at the knees decided that the reception was poor from Councillor Campbells internet link and that they couldn't get the gist of her question. The chair rapidly moved onto the next item on the agenda, but at least it stopped the boredom and made anyone watching sure that the administration of the inoculation scheme is certainly not planned out to benefit the public.


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