Ashington county councillor Caroline Ball has come out on social media condemning the Conservative led Northumberland County Council for making promises and plans that they cannot either afford or intend to deliver.
The County Council has been preaching improvement plans for townships across Northumberland since 2017 and keeping communities outside of the magical Castle Morpeth protectorate of Morpeth with Ponteland either short of investment cash or economically crushed so that revival will be impossible for decades, a simple wander around Bedlington and Blyth Town centres will open peoples eyes to the false dawns and disappointments being delivered in the name of regeneration and improvement.
With Ashington residents front and centre in the Conservatives promises of high quality employment opportunities and then broke residents hearts with their failure to deliver on their key promise of creating 8000 jobs in Ashingtons neighbouring village of Cambois.
This well practised Conservative habit of blatantly lying to the public used regularly by recent Prime Ministers and their closest allies, and exposed by the press has dogged Northumberland ever since the Council's core strategy* was removed from inspection by Sajid Javid’s ministry in 2017.
Councillor Ball knows how this continued skullduggery from the Morpeth centric Conservatives is affecting her hometown of Ashington when she came out with the following:![](
Councillor Ball is completely correct and is right to expose Northumberland Conservatives for acting as a mirror image of a number of Top Tories they look up to including wonder boy Boris Johnson and a good number of Conservative blue allies such as those covering up the Post Office fiasco.
Keep it up Councillor Ball and make sure the public knows what's going on.
*The Core Strategy is the most important part of the Local Plan. It identifies the key, strategic issues of most importance to the local area and translates these into a strategy for tackling them. Examples include how to provide more affordable housing, reduce traffic congestion and tackle climate change, create jobs, increase social care and resolve the direction of travel for all towns through embracing equality and equitable service delivery to improve lifestyles.
Northumberland County Council ditched their core strategy in 2017 when the Tories took office.