Monday 6 June 2022

Labour, keen on bringing Clean and Green Hydrogen Plant to halt the need for a nuclear power station in Druridge Bay.

 “Nuclear power plants whether we like them or loathe them are not the most people friendly when it comes to tourism” is high in the thoughts of Northumberland Labour Councillor Lynne Grimshaw as we move on towards receiving Boris Johnson's Site list for his planned nuclear power plants one of which has been mooted for Druridge Bay for years due to its remoteness, sitting at the clean end of South East Northumberland in the old rural coalfield.

Councillor Grimshaw said: “My dogs and I love Druridge Bay and would hate to see the tourism element of it ruined through a nuclear power plant being sited within its dunes”. “Its not many years ago that people from all over Britain came to protect the area from coal extraction to keep ‘Britain powered up’ but the thoughts of a nuclear plant is certainly a visitor distraction and many would simply bypass its natural beauty and head for the well publicised North Northumberland or the Borders of Scotland, their pockets full of tourism gold would drift past areas of high need such as Lynemouth, Hadston and Amble”.

My thoughts to help Northumberland lean more towards greeness would be to follow Manchester’s lead and site a Hydrogen production unit on the former old  industrialised Alcan site to turn from high carbon domestic gas burning in homes to clean and green Hydrogen.”

I am not a technician but I do know that many of these plants are required nationally to ensure the nations gas grid gets greened up ASAP and it would help replace the highly paid jobs that went when Alcan backed out of its Northumberland site to enjoy the investment Scotland’s regional development area status could offer it”.

Although not in the same position as an RDA the North-East regions Local Enterprise Partnership should pressure the government of the day to try and get stuck in and bring a much needed future Green Energy scheme into an area that still requires revitalising thirty years after its heavy industry was lost”. “Not all new jobs need to sit in the River Blyth basin with its already huge traffic problems and we don’t want to revive our area with a nuclear power plant”.

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